April 15, 2022

Wordle Poetry Month: Day 15

Them Next Doors, Amirite?

You tried to shame me

and chase me off this great porch

won't mince words: fuck you

here are the rules

and beware spoilers

Wordle 300 3/6




Wordle Poetry Month: Day 14

Iron Chef Mantra (and i wrote this with one hand)

mince the meat

chunk the cucumber

please panel

here are the rules

and beware spoilers

Wordle 299 3/6




Wordle Poetry Month: Day 13

Remembering Wayne Crawford

You'd pound that hand drum

and recite poetry in a song chunk

stay silent, regal, no royal yet mum

it felt at first a clunk, but then it sunk

here are the rules

and beware spoilers

Wordle 298 4/6





Wordle Poetry Month: Day 12

World's and History's and Poetry's Smallest Ars Poetica

Royal jellyfish blunts, tequila, and a hip hop squad;

now I write.

here are the rules

and beware spoilers

Wordle 297 2/6



Wordle Poetry Month: Day 11


Hades donned in dark red and jet black

frantically checked facebook, instagram, zoom, his phone, and slack;

for Persephone, over sixth months didn't call him back.

chilling with her spring time squad, queen of the ghosting hack.

here are the rules

and beware spoilers

Wordle 296 4/6



