I Know...It's Still Summer...
Winter Dog
cold cold cold
no robins
no cardinals
no crows
look left
look right
look left
look right
cold cold cold
no chipmunks
no squirrels
no skunks
did I hear walk?
did I hear walk?
cold cold cold
no dogs
no pups
no butts to sniff
cold cold cold
no fetch
no chase
no return
cold cold cold
no balls
no bones
no toys to bury
need to be fed
need to be fed
*lick chops*
please feed me
*lick chops*
please feed me
cold cold cold
no bush to sniff
no grass to roll
no dirt to dig
no hydrants
no scents to follow
no territory to mark
please walk me
need to see
another me
cold cold cold